Friday, January 31, 2014

The Articulate & Aching Noggin....

I've realised I'm definitely NOT a "Sun 'n' Sand" person !!!!!!!!!

My lungs feel like tar soaked sponge. My nasal passages are blocked. My head is throbbing. It's been an ouch ouch day. And also an ouch day in terms of realising that blogging is becoming a habit of the past.

Jane Austen chides pretentious wives who give up their "hobbies" post marriage. I always considered this post marital/maternity syndrome a myth. When a colleague pointed out that I have been an inactive blogger for almost a year, I realised I'd over stewed my apples. Baby time led to no blog time; and voila, my applesauce turned rancid.


In other news, do I have new insight to share on motherhood/maternity/blah blah? No. Non. Nein.

Do I feel different? Maybe. Who doesn't? The stretch marks and floppy belly are probably going to be lasting reminders.

Do I want to talk about the maternal instinct ad nauseam? I don't think so. I love my daughter, but I'd much rather shirk the mother mantle as such. I don't wish to shrug it off, but I have little intention of eulogising it.


Else, my life and its hardly-have-time times go on.....c'est la vie !!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I have a different way of utilizing my vocabulary. Let me assure you that this is a compliment. You are a breath of stagnant air. You should see the air I normally breath. I have been fumbling through blogs randomly for seeming half the night. Half of these blog were about how happy and perky their family is and how they are going to start a church. How they have just bought a new house to fit their new addition into. Really, I admire family people but what about your imperfection. Optimism is a great thing but your if your life is that perfect I don't want your blog. I want to hear about real things that happen to real people. If I wanted to hear how perfect someone's life is, I could read a fiction novel or watch a Hollywood movie. Props for being real. As for the Hype of blogging, it needs to die down so the real bloggers can stay in business. Thank you. You can find me at