Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Tinkle (I do not mean Twinkle) Toes!

Ridiculous though it may sound, anklets make me very happy. Giddy even. In spite of its association with misogyny/slavery/sexism/etc., this is one metal chain that I find utterly liberating. Primarily, no one considers it significant, thereby not eliciting any/many comments. Since I generally put my feet up while reading/studying, the aesthetic pleasure I derive is generally all mine. Nay to voyeurism and the male gaze. Plus, silver is in the doghouse per se where jewellery is concerned. The Indian subcontinent is so enamoured by gold and now diamonds that silver still remains (that is changing too with gold becoming almost impossible to afford 😐) relatively the cheaper element. And, to boot, it is also anti-racist. How so? Well, gold (apologies for being politically incorrect) does not suit all skin tones, while silver is one metal that can enhance and embrace any skin colour. I've known so many dusky women preferring silver to gold not because they cannot afford it, but merely because the amalgamation of ebony and shiny 14 (tsk tsk)/18 (probably diamonds here)/22 carat flaming yellow aurum makes one look like the ubiquitous काली पीली that one hails with indecorous abandon in the Mumbai metropolitan region. Rose gold made its entry to serve just this purpose (my hypothesis) of appealing to those who did not want to look like cousins of the canary, but its price still remains steep; and besides, 'people' will think it is fake. Ditto white gold which my snooty relative refuses to purchase as her peer group might think she picked up her trinkets on Colaba causeway. So the anklet liberating. So mine. And if you want to add ayurvedic wisdom to it; it apparently cools the 'system'. Not that I believe in that hokum (overall, let's go agnostic on this), but yes, I know I am tired/ill when even the पायल seem too heavy for my feet. So yay for argentum. All hail atomic number 47. May it always lack in lustre.  😏

P. S. - I know 2020 is the Covid-19 year. I'm just ignoring it with an appropriately fatuous and flippant post. 

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