Friday, November 02, 2007
What next?
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Onam Special
Dear Anu,
Do send me the other story as well. :)
Else, nothing much...will go to work tomorrow after a week. You celebrating Onam?
Take care...
* * * *
Anupama Mohan to me
show details
04:08 (6 hours ago)
i hope so! Onam is on the 27th and last time we had the most annoying (hilarious to S) experience. S and i went to 'Madras Palace' whose online menu invitingly screamed 'Onam Special'. off we went on Onam day, and after 1.5 hrs of train, bus, and biped foray, we reach the place. basically, a middle-of-nowhere oasis. first thing to notice: full-throttle south india decor and jagjit singh music playing. ok, "so India is land of contradictions, sue me." we call curly-haired muchhooless waiter. menu comes - i take one look at 'Onam special menu' leaflet in the 14 page novel that is the hotel menu and say, this one. he smiles knowingly and nods his head. left to right. i am a little anxious in case he didnt understand 'this one' said with finger pointing towards leaflet held in plain sight by other hand. confusions happen, right. he clarifies - 'sorry, maadim. no Onam special today.' i am blunderstruck - 'but today is Onam - phbttt phbttt' now it is his turn to be blunderstruck. he recovers. 'yes, maadim. we dont have Onam special. every other day we have. today No.' S is laughing bullets out of his gall bladder by now. i am still thinking he can be redeemed - the waiter that is. so i speak slowly in case he is an escapee on barbiturates. 'today - is - Onam.' the pauses in my words marked the popping of 10 children per second somewhere, probably kerala. waiter unfazed. 'oh sorry maadim, our other branch has Onam special.' i am wary but poor mallu-food-starved tummy was already beginning to get hopeful. 'where is your other branch?' beaming waiter: 'in Richmond Hill, maadim.' S had to physically restrain me from clobbering waiter into chutney powder and dosha. RichfuckingmondHill is next state away. so that was my last Onam - i was super pissed.this time though my new frd - a Mallu and a chef with a restaurant (finally i am learning the art of how to win friends and influence them to open restaurants with my kinda food) has invited us and so it just might be a culinary treat. o'wise there is always leftover stuff in the fridge and an overactive imagination!
: ) long note.
other story beneath.
tell your thoughts.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Malavun Taka Deep
Malavun Taka Deep ...this has been one of my favourite songs for multiple reasons. The music here is minimal, and it is the voice that carries the weight.
But what I find more intriguing is how the lyrics successfully combat sexual politics. The song unabashedly vocalises female physical desire. Society tends to portray women as devoid of sexuality and sexual desire. Women are pristine goddesses who are essentially sexually handicapped and paralysed. If they declare otherwise, then they are labelled prostitutes.
This song does neither, and beautifully conveys the dynamics of not singular, but mutual desire.
I have tried to translate my tongue, but I fear I have failed to capture the grandeur of the ornate language.
Of course, if one does not want to analyse the lyrics, one can always concentrate only on Lata Mangeshkar's delicate cadences.
Malavun taka deep = Diminish the light of the lamps
Chetavun aanga aanga = By the spark created by the friction of our bodies
Rajasa kiti disat = O King, it is after many days
Labhala nivaant sanga = That I have had the pleasure of your leisurely company
Tya tithe phula phulat = There amongst all the flowers
Pengete ajun raat = Night still dozes
Haya, tu karu nakos = Oh, please do not
Evadhyaat swapna bhang = So soon destroy my dreams
Chorus :Rajasa kiti disat = O King, it is after many days
Labhala nivaant sanga = That I have had the pleasure of your leisurely company
Malavun taka deep = Diminish the light of the lamps
Gaar gaar hya havet = In this cool weather
Gheuni mala kavet = Taking me into your arms
Mokale karun taak = Release
Ek vaar antarang = Once and for all, your innermost feelings and desires
Chorus : Rajasa kiti disat = O King, it is after many days
Labhala nivaant sanga = That I have had the pleasure of your leisurely company
Malavun taka deep = Diminish the light of the lamps
Door door taarkaat = Far away amongst the stars
Baisili Pahat Nhyat = Morning is bathing herself
Savakash ghe tipun = Without haste cherish
Ek ek roop ranga = Each and every aspect of my beauty
Chorus : Rajasa kiti disat = O King, it is after many days
Labhala nivaant sanga = That I have had the pleasure of your leisurely company
Malavun taka deep = Diminish the light of the lamps
He tula kase kalel = How will you ever fathom
Kon ekate jalel = Who would want to live lonely and burn with desire?
Sanga ka kadhi hare joh = Tell me, does he ever lose
Ekata jale patang = Who chooses to singe oneself and die like the candle moth?
Chorus : Rajasa kiti disat = O King, it is after many days
Labhala nivaant sanga = That I have had the pleasure of your leisurely company
Malavun taka deep = Diminish the light of the lamps
Kay ha tujhacha shwaas = What, is this your breath
Daravale ithe suvaas = That scatters its fragrance everywhere
Bola re halu, uthel = Speak softly, lest there rise
Chandanya vari tarang = ripples amongst the stars
Chorus : Rajasa kiti disat = O King, it is after many days
Labhala nivaant sanga = That I have had the pleasure of your leisurely company
Malavun taka deep = Diminish the light of the lamps
Friday, August 10, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
May Musings?
I want to meet Bhavya. Is there anything I can do for her? Would it serve my purpose to be a snitch?
I need to pen a letter soon. What shall I write? What apologies can I offer? Was I negligent? Is it too late?
So many reports..
So many questions
Friday, April 13, 2007
The Quintessence of JNS IB
show details 20:29 (0 minutes ago)
My dear students,
Exactly where is this argument going? I assume ya'll realise that I am perusing your rather entertaining exchange. And Anuj, pray why are you supposedly quoting me. Quote Shakespeare instead. He provides more colourful vocabulary.
It's been a pleasure teaching ya'll. . . though we've had our ups and downs. And I reckon I shall miss you'll (cliche?). For me, the best part of JNS = my students. Thank you for a wonderful experience.
And now let's get to business ....where are the last few CAS filesssss? ;)
Good luck for your exams.
- Hide quoted text -
On 13/04/07, anuj gupta
dude hridaye this aint fair man...shes making fun of u..and u aint doing shit abt it....hetali..wait let me emphazise HETALI!!!!!!! is making fun of u...i think you should do something about it..and ...kunal and hridaye...u know who the thing is..and no its not hetali...shes not THAT bad looking...i mean she is...but not that bad man hehehehe...i hope "THE THING" doesnt read this...coz she is guilty..and shell know...and yes in pallavi misses words "your so horrible"...but sorry its not affecting me in anyway..she was created by god to be made fun of..what am to do?..i am a very god fearing person..i need to obey his ways...i am sorry...u know who u are.
On 4/13/07, hetali pandya
hridayee i love uu mannnn........... u noe its all joke cause anuj nd kunal r pissin me off!!! hahahah ur my frndd due no matte wattt
Damandeip chadha <> wrote:
hahahahaha this is funny shit man
On 4/12/07, Hridaye Nagpal
and all this time i supported u.......fuck of now
On 4/12/07, hetali pandya
anuj u noe thts not funny at alll...................i mean don compare me 2 hridaye ....yukkkkkkkkkkk hahah
Kunal Saha
WAIT!! I got it!! i think it is..i think ...its ...HETALI!!
On 4/12/07, hetali pandya < > wrote:
haha i need help anujj...please fill in the blanksss
anuj gupta <> wrote:
ur a **a**i --- aka "the thing" play hangman till u get a name...(vowels are given) contact me if u need any help gaytali.
On 4/12/07, hetali pandya
aunjjj ur hridayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.................nthn can b worst than this hahahahahhaha
anuj gupta <> wrote:
hetali is gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (no puns intended) (ull know what i mean) to make it clear for ull i mean (homoooossseeexxxxuuuaallllll) gayyyyyy
On 4/10/07, Pallavi < > wrote:
I will be unable to take you'll for two hours as I have other work.
Hence B div = 9 to 10 and C = 10 to 11.
Please take note of the same and inform the rest.
I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute
~ Rebecca West, 1913
Applesauce @
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Truth is just pieces of a broken mirror, each piece seeing just a little bit, thus no one knows the complete truth.
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if she asks you why you can tell her that i told you that im tired of castles in the air
i have a dream i want the world to share these castle walls
leave me to dispair
sometimes the only way to make your self look good is by making others look bad and im tired of making others look good
hope to hear from you soon....
Kunal Saha
Get your own web address.
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.
Hridaye A Nagpal
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Truth is just pieces of a broken mirror, each piece seeing just a little bit, thus no one knows the complete truth.
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I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute
~ Rebecca West, 1913
Applesauce @ http://www.pallavees.blogspot.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
An ode to the "Noble" Profession.
What am I doing? Why am I here? Is it worth it?
A snake pit !! A snake pit !!! A S s s nake pit !!!!!!!!!!!!
The students seem to be the only silver lining to this expansive black hole . . .
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Of Pachyderms..
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
"Lust for Life" ? ...

...and he shoots himself eventually? I don't understand it. I prefer Monet and his parasols. So much more sheltered !!
Why do I use exclamations so often? That is what my students ask me. Apparently my slides are peppered with them. I apparently also use apparently very often.
That latter answers itself easily. It is so much easier to sit on the fence, to equivocate, to be ambivalent...
And where am I going with this? I have no idea. None at all.
Hail anarchy and confusion...I shall spend another year meandering through life !!!!!